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Rahvusvaheline koolitus “Learning in EVS” kutsub osalema

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 08.10.2017 23:59

Leedu, Läti ja Eesti riiklike Erasmus+:Euroopa Noored agentuuride eestvedamisel saab novembris toimuma koolitus “Learning in EVS”. Koolituse teemaks, nagu nimigi ütleb, on toetada vabatahtlike õppimist Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse raames. 

Kui Sa…

  • pole kindel, et mõistad EVT projekti kaudu õppimise olemust…
  • leiad, et oled hädas õppimiseteema käsitlemisega…
  • oled kinni jäänud vanadesse süsteemidesse ning vahenditesse, kuidas toetada õppimist…

…on see koolitus just Sulle!

Alljärgnevalt lisainfo inglise keeles.

The aim of “Learning in EVS” training course is to improve the quality of learning support provided to EVS volunteers by increasing the competencies of the EVS accredited organizations to better plan, deliver and evaluate the learning.

After the training course participants will be able to:

  1. identify learning possibilities for volunteer in EVS project by understanding EVS as learning service;
  2. support the learning process by creating the learning possibilities and choosing fitting approach based on requirements;
  3. make the plan for improvement of learning support within EVS project in his/her organisation and/or reality.

Taking account above mentioned we invite you to apply to this training course if you:

  • are the person who supports volunteer´s learning process in the EVS project (EVS project coordinator, mentor, tutor/supervisor etc);
  • have at least one experience of supporting the volunteer´s learning process or are in the middle of your first experience;
  • intend to continue working on provision of learning support to EVS volunteers;
  • are able to work in English;
  • are able to attend the full duration of the training course.

The training course “Learning in EVS” and its methodology are inspired by the values and principles of non-formal learning. It is based on the learning theories of Humanistic school of education and on the Youthpass process. It is very much practice oriented and gives to the participants tangible skills. This also means that the responsibility to make the training course effective is shared together with all participants. Each participant will not be only an active learner responsible for his/her own learning, but will also be encouraged to support the learning of others.
Have a look at the preliminary program of the training course!



Koolitus toimub 12.-17. november Leedus, Trakais.

Koolitusel osalemiseks täitke palun kandideerimisankeet hiljemalt 8. oktoobriks. Eestist valitakse koolitusele osalema 7-8 kandidaati.

Osalustasu: 32 EUR, mis tuleb tasuda SA Archimedese noorteagentuurile (SANA) juhul, kui osutute valituks. Toitlustuse, majutuse ja koolitusega kaasnevad kulutused katab Leedu Erasmus+: Euroopa Noored agentuur. Rahvusvahelised reisid sh kindlustus korraldab ja tasub SANA.

Sisulistes küsimustes võtke ühendust Melissa Ansoniga, aadressil melissa.anson@archimedes.ee või helistage 69 79 222. Koolituskutse tõlkis ja kohendas ning vajalike praktiliste ettevalmistuste eest hoolitseb TCA koolitustegevuse korraldaja Angela Tikoft (angela.tikoft@archimedes.ee).