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Noortevahetus “Baltic Partnership Academy” Lätis 23.-30. november

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 03.07.2018 17:36

Noortevahetus “Baltic Partnership Academy” toimub Lätis, Daugavpilsis 23.-30. novembril.

Noortevahetusele on oodatud osalema kõik 16-30 aastased huvilised, kes tahavad saada uusi teadmisi ja keda huvitab antud noortevahetuse teema.
Eestist saab noortevahetusele minna 8 osalist ja 1 liider, kellele pole seatud vanusepiirangut.

Antud noortevahtusel on osalustasu 40€ ja liikmemaks 20€, kui osaline pole veel EstYESi liige.
Majutus ja toitlustus on korraldajate poolt tagatud ja osalisele tasuta.
Reisikuludeks on määratud 80€. See tähendab seda, et alguses katab osaline kõik transpordiga seotud kulud ise ja pärast noortevahetuse lõppu hüvitatakse talle kulud 80€ ulatuses.

Lisainfo inglise keeles:

Main project theme is relationship between Russian-speaking people and Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians in Baltic countries. We are planning to invite four young Russian people from each country plus four young Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians.

During the project activities the youth will have an opportunity to get know different European countries culture, traditions, they will discuss the Russian-speaking people role in this countries, why some people have a negative attitude to them. The youth also discuss, how they can solve these problems, and they will talk over different stereotypes.

We are planning to use many working methods in this project, for example excursions, team activities, ice-breaking activities, discussions etc. Realizing the planned activities will be promoted development of the youth communication and social skills, broadening of the outlook.


  • To improve relationships between people with different national identity;
  • To promote titular nation bringing in work with Russian-speaking community;
  • To motivate young people to be active, to implement their own ideas and develop their culture and traditions;
  • To ensure the youth exchange project and to involve in it young people from EU Program countries;
  • To promote youth organizations cooperation exchange experience at international level;
  • To pay young people attention to the false stereotypes influence on social unity;
  • To provide the young people to be aware of the cultural diversity of the various nations and its integration in the local culture during the project.

Kandideerimine ja lisainformatsioon: estyes@estyes.ee