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Noortevahetus “Nature Ahead” Makedoonias 3.-11. november

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 03.07.2018 17:36

Noortevahetus “Nature Ahead” toimub 3.-11. november Bitolas.

Noortevahetusele on oodatud osalema kõik 18-30 aastased huvilised, kes tahavad saada uusi teadmisi ja keda huvitab antud noortevahetuse teema.
Eestist saab noortevahetusele minna 5 osalist ja 1 liider, kellele pole seatud vanusepiirangut.

Antud noortevahtusel on osalustasu 88€ ja liikmemaks 20€, kui osaline pole veel EstYESi liige.
Majutus ja toitlustus on korraldajate poolt tagatud ja osalisele tasuta.
Reisikuludeks on määratud 270€. See tähendab seda, et alguses katab osaline kõik transpordiga seotud kulud ise ja pärast noortevahetuse lõppu hüvitatakse talle kulud 270€ ulatuses.

Lisainfo noortevahetuse teema kohta:

This youth exchange aims at raising young people’s awareness about global environmental challenges and promotion of eco-friendly lifestyle through usage of art/culture and conduction of recreational activities.

Participants will learn how to use photo camera, to visually communicate for promotion of attitudes and behaviors leading to the protection of the environment and eco-friendly life style. Having this in mind we will organize photography workshops and outdoor discussion sessions in order to influence the participant’s creativity and help them develop “green” skills. Also the participants will use innovative ways of promotion of the nature and protection by creating an E – album with nature photographs taken by the participants. Behind each photograph there will be a story written by the participants itself.

Each of the participant’s organizations will present its best practices and the most effective methods they use in their work with youth with special focus on environmental issues. They will also have a chance to present their culture and history.


– To raise young people’s awareness on environmental issues;

– To share knowledge and experience about new methods of environmental education;

– To inspire youth to practice new methods in the field of environmental education;

– To promote healthy behavior among youth;

– To promote cultural diversity.

The intercultural evening is planned in a way that it will help in pointing out the similarities in cultures that bring us together and showing the differences as a part of the diversity in cultures. Every region and country will have a chance to present their culture – food, customs, specific garbs etc.  As a part of ICL participants will also visit the local community, meet the locals from village of Dihovo and Bitola and learn more about the youth, their activism concerning nature preservation, ways of integration in the civil society and usage of their free time.

Almost all workshops will be taken on open air (if the weather permits), right in the nature that will foster eco – friendly attitudes and environmental protection behaviors. As a part of this exchange a photo exhibition will be organized. The event will be opportunity for participants to communicate with the local community, to present their experience and to learn more about other cultures.

Kandideerimine ja lisainformatsioon: estyes@estyes.ee

Our partners and participants are expected to organize exhibition in all 5 countries as a follow up activity.