Siit leiad vajaliku info turvalisuse toetamiseks projektis.
A guide to security and well-being
The aim of the guide is to provide practical guidance on how to ensure the overall safety and well-being of the participants during the various stages of the organisation of the project supported by Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. The guide is aimed, first and foremost, for grant beneficiaries to support them in preparing their guidance materials, but it is a useful resource for other organisations working with young people as well.
Juhendi eesmärk on pakkuda praktilisi suuniseid, kuidas tagada osalejate igakülgne turvalisus ja heaolu Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse programmi vahenditest toetatud projekti korraldamise etappides. Juhend on mõeldud kõigile toetuse saajatele, et aidata neid juhendmaterjalide loomisel, ent on kasulik lugemine kõigile noortega tegelevatele organisatsioonidele.