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Noorsootöötaje õpirände pakkumine Ungarisse “Access to Mobility – Access to Employment″

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 03.07.2018 17:40

Rahvusvaheline seminar 12. – 17. jaanuaril 2015 Gyöngyös – Ungaris

Access to Mobility – Access to Employment is a seminar for youth workers within the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. Its main theme concerns the labor market and skills and competences for young people to tackle the serious problem of youth unemployment in Europe. During the seminar the participants explore the question of the impacts of the EU’s youth mobility programmes in empowering young people to become successful in the job market. As lots of employers are looking for employees who are able to work in international environments and cope with cultural differences the project explores the question of key competences necessary for employability.

Rohkem infot projekti, kandideerimise kohta MTÜ INVOLVED kodulehelt.

Magnificent-skyline-of-Budapest-and-Danube-River-in-Hungary  INVOLVED_90x50+5mm.indd

NB! Kindlasti vaata lähemalt ka meie teisi võimalusi välismaale: Türgis, Poolas ja Iirimal.


1) Rahvusvaheline koolitus: 26 – 31 jaanuar 2015 Clare- Iirimaal
2) Rahvusvaheline noortevahetus: 31.01 – 08.02 2015 Eceabat, Türgis


INVOLVED / www.involved.ee